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Automic Automation

Automic Automation is a product suite that provides workload automation for IT services across diverse platforms, applications, and Operation Systems. This includes batch processing and job scheduling, among other capabilities. Automic Automation is technology-agnostic and can therefore interface and interact with virtually any IT ecosystem.




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Over the years, enterprises engineer extensive customized IT infrastructures that create islands of automation that are not connected and that require manual input and output. In this fragmented landscape, sharing data, business processes and computing resources across systems requires an enormous effort and is usually unsuccessful. The lack of transparency and visibility prevents efficient monitoring and an early identification of potential problems in your processes. Without an end-to-end view of the entire system, you can neither react quickly nor optimize your operations. Automic Automation provides the visibility, scalability and flexibility needed to respond to these challenges.

Some of the Key Features of Automic Automation are.

Native Clustered Architecture

Object-Oriented Design

Automating Data Transfer: File Transfers

Automating Processes: Schedules

Automation Engine Scripting




Orchestrating Processes: Workflows


Monitoring and Auditing

Service Orchestration Capabilities

Services for Automic Automation

Albatroz provides end to end professional services for Automic Automation. Whether you are a customer who has just purchased the product and looking for a partner/vendor that can help to install, implement, and get your business users trained on using Automic effectively, or you are a customer that wants to upgrade Automic to the latest version to maximize product adoption and want to onboard new application or extend the product’s functionality. Albatroz can help you with the following range of services for Automic Automation